Projet - Formation - PMO

Toolkits for project leaders and managers !

Welcome to Aimproov and its toolboxes for project leaders and managers !

Here are gathered methods, techniques and tools for business creators, project managers, PMO and for those who want to transform their activities. You will find tools and guides to support you in your daily life, whether you are a novice or an experienced manager.

You will also find tools to build and manage a project management office (PMO), and of course, to improve operational performance.

I help you to build and implement your projects, your PMO and improve your operational performance !

I help you to build and implement

your projects, your PMO and improve your operational performance



Aimproov - Dossier Stratégie - Theme Strategy


Guides and tools to help you in your strategy.

Aimproov - Dossier Organisation - Theme Organization


Guides and tools to improve your organization.

Aimproov - Dossier Management - Theme Management


Guides and tools to help you in your role as a Manager.

Aimproov - Dossier Processus - Theme Processes


Guides and tools to help you improve processes.

Aimproov - Dossier Performance - Theme Performance


Guides and tools to improve your performance.

Aimproov - Dossier Changement- Theme Change


Guides and tools to manage change.


Project management

Aimproov - Gestion de projet débutants


Discover how to simply secure your projects and achieve your goals in an organization that does not have a project culture.


Discover all the project management best practices you need to master to become a professional project manager.

Aimproov - Découvrez le PMBok

PMBok 6.0

Discover PMBok 6.0 and put it into practice without wasting your time or headaches. 

Agile Approach

All the information you need to implement an Agile approach in your organization.

Boites à outils

Illustration Outils Créateur d'Entreprise

Boite à outils
du créateur d'entreprise

Des outils qui vont vous aider à définir et sécuriser votre projet d’entreprise.

Illustration gestion de projet

Boite à outils
du chef de projet

L’essentiel des outils qui vont vous aider à prendre en main rapidement vos projets avec succès.

Gestion de PMO

Boite à outils
du PMO

Méthode de construction et de gestion d’une PMO, les outils indispensables pour les PMO, etc.

Boite à outils de la performance

Quoi faire, comment faire, avec qui faire etc.. Tout ce qu’il vous faut pour mesurer et adapter votre organisation.